:::: MENU ::::

August 21, 2016

  • 7:34 AM
Thank You JIITIANS for your overwhelming response! We just marked 2000+ downloads on Play Store!


 App is still incompatible with Android 4.2 or lower . We are working on this issue and will be delivering an update soon.  

Many people are requesting app for Iphone platform but the reality is, becoming an Apple developer is very costly ie. 99$ per year which is too much.
But don't worry we are trying our level best to help students.

One more thing, there is an active poll going on. Please give your votes to improve this app. Poll is available on right hand side of home page!

We will be hiring new admins of this app soon! So, if you really want to be part of our team then get ready to showcase your skills!

Here are few stats we want to share with you!

Tell us what you're thinking Contact us